Thursday, June 5, 2014

Alykos Point & Juniper Forest

Today we set out to traverse a 1.5 mile walk around the Alyko Point which began across the street from our hotel.  The point contains a nature preserve of approximately 200 acres with  juniper trees, lentisc shurbs, heather, thyme, calycotomes and various wild flowers.  Juniper trees grow a mere 2-3 cm a year, and their lifespan ranges between 200 to 300 years.  They measure up to six meters in height, with a diameter of up to one meter.  The root system of junipers stretches out in a radius at least double the juniper's respective height, and includes an enormous amount of slender, webbed roots that hold the sand, and thereby maintain surrounding sand dune formations. It was amazing to stand next to trees that had literally been alive for at least a century!
The trail was easy to follow and the views were amazing as they opened up to all sorts of beaches - from rocky precipices to sandy oases.  
After our walk, we took a rest in the afternoon and then went back for a small stroll just before dinner.  This time we saw crabs and gulls in addition to a few tiny shells. 

Then, you guessed it!  It was time for a fabulous dinner overlooking the beach masterpiece, as a fiery sun set behind a neighboring island.  What a day...

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